Natural Vegetarian Recipes - Blog

Would You Consume A Little Poison A Day?

August 24, 2022

If I asked you to consume a little poison a day that wouldn't automatically kill you, would you do it? I would hope you would answer with an astounding, no! I was talking to someone the other day about switching little foods in our daily meals, such as using real butter instead of margarine. In my opinion every little change in the right direction can equal a big step forward in our health. I was amazed that the person told me that they don't eat much margarine, so they didn't think they needed to switch to butter. This conversation got me wondering. If a person realizes that processed food is basically poison to our bodies, then would they still choose to eat a little a day? Margarine isn't the only sneaky processed food in many kitchens. We all should be cautions of salad dressings, condiments, breads, juices, and many other items. My list could go on and on.

Consume multiple processed foods daily can add up to a really big percentage of our daily food intake. If eating a little poison a day continues for days, weeks, months, or years. What kind of harm does it do? Would you really want to continue consuming this poison and wait to find out?

I personally try to remove as many processed items from my daily diet as possible. It is amazing how many processed foods can sneak into someones daily eating habits if they take the time to look. I am constantly reevaluating the ingredients in my kitchen and replacing items that I question. I actually switched my natural peanut butter because I decided I didn't want to consume a product that has added sugar and palm oil in the ingredients. I now eat a organic peanut butter that only has two ingrdients; peanuts and salt.

Eating for you health is in your own hands. Please don't roll the dice on eating a little poison a day, your health will thank you in the future!