Natural Vegetarian Recipes - Blog

What is a Natural Vegetarian Diet

June 27, 2022

In a nutshell, a natural vegetarian diet is eating only plant based foods that are unprocessed and free of artificial ingredients.

Many cultures have eaten a natural vegetarian diet for decades, but recently many vegetarian diets have started to include a lot of processed foods. The easiest way to get your diet more natural is to start making your own meals. Incorporate foods that are at their naturalist state. Start your meals with fresh or frozen fruits and or vegetables. Then figure out a whole grain to go with your fruit and/or vegetable. Look for unprocessed oats, whole grain wheat, brown rice, or any other grains that have not had their nutritional goodness stripped away. And don't forget to add seasonings and spices.

Let's talk about dairy. Vegetarian's eat diary products, but to keep it unprocessed, I would look for full fat products. If a company removes the fat, they will normally replace it with something that you probably don't want to ingest. Greek yogurt is a great item to add to you diet, but make sure to read your labels. Stay clear of added sugars and confusing ingredients. I normally buy plain greek yogurt and add my own fruit, and sweeten it with pure maple syrup.

Bread is another item that is hard to keep natural. Most store bought breads have a laundry list of ingredients, but in reality, you should only have a handful of ingredients inside it. The best bread will only use whole grain flour, salt, yeast, and water. I personally prefer sour dough bread, which omits yeast too. Another carbohydrate product is tortillas. Tortillas are easy to make and can be used with Indian cooking or to make a veggie wraps. I have given up on finding a store bought non-processed tortilla, but they are so easy to make, why not spend a little extra time in the kitchen and create your own tortillas that will be healthier and taste a lot better.

If you are a vegetarian, or just needing to find some natural vegetarian recipes, make sure to browse through the website. Enjoy a healthier life!